Moreover, while use of simulations for educational purposes has been studied for several years, however this is still an experimental field. The concept of simulation has different spheres in which it is used for different aims (from laboratory tests to market estimations, from crime simulations for juridical purposes to education), and in accordance with the disciplinary area it belongs to, it is connected to many other concepts: we can say that it does not answer back to a one and only definition (Serious Games between simulation and game, 2009)
Recently, simulation have become highly popular in professional training of meteorological forecasters. This lesson will discuss cases of various use of simulations in meteorological training. The proposed objectives for this lesson are
- Define simulations
- Identify reasons and cases for the use of simulations for demonstration, practice and assessment
- Plan for integration of simulations in meteorological training
Note that most of the resources are stored outside of this lesson, thus links may take you to other websites.